- Add your media series:
- Select 'Add Series'
- Unselect (if visible):
- Publish my media instantly
- Share my media to Resonate
- Share my media to (your account)
- Select
- 'No third party content'
- 'Make available via Voucher only'
- Upload your media as per normal.
- Create an 'Own' offer for your title:
- Search for your series in your media library (if not already open after creating it),
- Select 'Add Offer' and choose:
- Type = 'Own'
- Set the price for all options to $0.00
- If you don't want the title to be searchable, you can select 'Hidden Offer'
- For help with other fields see 'Controlling Media Offers'
- Create a voucher to unlock your title
- Browser to Manage > Vouchers
- Add a new voucher and fill in all the fields for your voucher:
- Voucher Name is an internal reference for why this would be redeemed
- Voucher Code can be made up by you, or randomly generated
- Voucher Type = 'Organisation Title Giveaway'
- Select 'Audio/Video Series'
- Search for the title you want to unlock with the voucher
- Select the video quality provided to the user when they redeem the voucher
- Select 'Own' as the Entitlement Type.
- Enter how many times you'd like this title to be unlocked using this code.
- Set a Start and End date for the voucher.
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