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Upload Video/Audio Files

Distribute your video and audio media to everyone in your church with one single upload. You can have it publish into your app, your website and your podcast feed with one upload action!


  1. Click Add Media in Quick Actions in the top left of your dashboard.

  2. Click 'Add New Video/Audio Series'

  3. You’ll be prompted to create a series. After creating a series, you can add multiple episodes to your series - great for topics spanning multiple weeks as one series. You can learn about other options here.

    1. Add a poster image (1200px x 1200px). This is a requirement for series'.

    2. Enter a synopsis for your series,

    3. Enter the copyright of your series,

    4. Choose where you’d like your media to appear,

    5. Confirm there is no third-party content in your files,

    6. Click Submit.

  4. Next you can add your first episode to the series:

    1. Click the (plus) button to add your audio and/or video file into the form. Learn about Supported Media Types and Media Graphic Asset Requirements.

    2. Fill out the fields in the form. (Learn more here)

    3. Click Submit once your media has been uploaded.

  5. To learn how to embed your media into your existing website, please check out Embedding Media in your Website

  6. Learn how to publish a Podcast here.

NOTE: If you'd like to upload video and your screen does not give you this option, please add ‘Church Video’ under Available Services in your account subscription.
