- Select whether you'd like your media to be accessed free, or paid (Own). Movies may also be set to Rent, allowing the user to access the title for 48 hours (or another duration set by EzyStream on your account).
- Select 'Worldwide' if you'd like you media to be visible everywhere, otherwise select the country you'd like to make it visible in. You can create multiple offers for multiple countries - each with a different price if required.
- If your offer is not free, select the currency you'd like to sell you media in.
- Set the price of the series/season, or individual episodes, or of the own/rent price for movies. You can have a different price for HD (High Definition) and SD (Standard Definition) material. (Rent offers can be added to other media types on request).
- Set the date range you'd like your title to be visible for. You can make multiple offers with different prices, effectively creating a price change when the offer's dates pass.
- Select any special requirements:
- You can sell your series by series only, forcing your users to buy the whole series/season, rather than just one episode.
- Control whether a download button is visible to your users in your TVOD website operated by EzyStream (You can check if your app allows downloads/offline media in the subscriptions area of your account dashboard).
- Force your title to appear in the trending carousel.
- Make your offer hidden. This means that people who are given the URL of the media can access the title, but it can't be found via search or carousels in your app or website. This is great for content which is for a limited audience, and not for public access. A hidden offer can also be redeemed via a Voucher from the EzyStream platform. For added security of these titles, you could consider making your title 'Accessible via Voucher Only'
- If you have a relationship with other organisations, or other parts of your organisation which also have an account within EzyStream, you may have the option to share your title with that partner organisation. Doing so will list your media title within their app/website. This is a powerful tools for helping national organisations build a content library from their member's media uploads.