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You are able to display discount coupons from our partners like CSC Buying Group and Nice1 within your app. This is easily added to your account by adding the ‘Discount Coupons’ feature to your Subscriptions. If you don’t have a relationship with one of these organisation already (possibly via your national office), we may be able to assist you in having this setup.

Setting Up Coupons

Once the Discount Coupons feature is added to your account, the EzyStream team needs to activate the correct discount groups into your app. Please email to have this done for you. Once done, you can manage your coupons as below.

Adding Coupons

You are able to add discount coupons to your app. To do this:

  1. Login to the EzyStream Dashboard
  2. Go to the Manage Menu and browse to Coupons
  3. Click (+) Coupon
  4. Fill in the form. (See xxx for details on these Coupon Graphic Assets)
  5. Click Submit

Managing Categories

The coupons that come from your coupon partner may display by category. If they do, you can re-use the same categories for your own coupons or create additional categories.

Managing Coupons

You are able to edit your own coupons by clicking edit on any existing coupon. Coupons that are provided by external partners are generally only able to be edited by them. Please contact your coupon partner if you believe one of your coupons needs updating.

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "coupons" , "csc" , "perk" ) and type = "page" and space = "CUSKNOW"
labelscoupons perk csc


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