COVID-19 Comms Strategy
As uncertainty around COVID-19 increases, and restrictions on public meetings escalate, ensuring your church can connect, engage, and continue to inspire your community is critical.
The EzyChurch platform is built especially for this purpose – with or without restrictions on public meetings. EzyChurch combines all of the communications and media you need to distribute to your community into one, easy to access app. As more and more churches are considering going online over this period, we are committed to helping you through this time, and providing excellent digital solutions for your community.
Making the most of the following features in your EzyChurch app will help provide the necessary foundations for your digital strategy:
Regularly communicate with your community via notifications
As you lead your people through these uncertain times, cutting through the chatter and providing helpful communication and encouragement is critical. We’re all used to receiving notifications on our smartphone home screens from social networks and news apps. By sending push notifications direct to people’s devices you can ensure that your church’s communications are at the forefront. Learn about sending notifications here.Up-to-date news
Easily add a special newsletter, or PDF into your app which provides information to your community about the coming weekend, as well as how to access online resources and other time critical updates. Learn how to add a PDF or HTML email to your app.Online Giving Platform
Ensure that giving continues to flow into your church, even if you’re unable to continue meeting in large gatherings. You can do this by setting up and/or promoting how to give online as well as in your church app. If you use EzyStream Giving, ensure this is active both in your app, and on your website. Contact us if you need help setting this up.Online Video and Audio Streaming
If you’re new to online media, there’s a lot to consider. You may already be publishing audio recordings of sermons, but would like to consider doing more if you’re unable to meet. We have a special Video Streaming article, with step by step instructions on how to plan and integrate pre-recorded videos, or live stream into your app.
We're here to help!
We want you to be effective as you encourage your community during this uncertain time. To help, we are offering 3 months free on the following add-ons to EzyChurch basic:
YouTube Live Stream Embed,
Custom Live Stream Embed (m3u8 files),
Video Uploads (excluding Archive fees).
If you have any questions, please let us know and we'll gladly help you get things running!
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