Updating Your Contact Details
Updating Your Contact Details
The contact details you display to your users in your app and/or website can be managed independently to the contact details we use to bill your organisation.
Update Publicly Listed Contact Details
- Once you are in the channel go to My Organisation
2. Select New, or Edit
3. Update your details
- Your User Email Reason is the text placed into the footer of emails send by EzyStream to your users who have created an account directly in your EzyStream app or website. This should say something like 'You are receiving this email because you created an account in our 'My Organisation' App.
- Your Marketing Email Reason is placed into the footer of other emails generated to people you have imported a list of (only available to some customers). Again, it should say something like: 'You are receiving this email because your requested updates from 'My Organisation' '
4. You will now have the organisations contact information captured -
Update Your App's Contact Button
Once your contact details above are correct, you can choose to display them in your app, in a Contact Us Page.
- Go to Functions, under Quick Actions
2. Edit the Contact Us function CONFIG
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