Voucher Only Content

Voucher Only Content

Voucher only content is a special type of media made available to customers who want to control who can access particular titles within their media library.

For example, participant's of a conference may be given a Voucher Code for the recording of that conference, and this content can't be accessed without this voucher.

Protecting media titles as 'Voucher Only'

When Uploading you media, you have the option to 'Make available via Voucher Only'. Select this option if you require your title's presence to be publicly visible, but require the voucher to gain access. (The title will be searchable unless you also make the offer hidden). If you want the title to be accessible/purchasable via a URL, but not searchable, please see the options available in 'Controlling Media Offers'.

Follow these steps:

  1. Add your media series:
    1. Select 'Add Series'
    2. Unselect (if visible):
      1. Publish my media instantly
      2. Share my media to Resonate
      3. Share my media to (your account)
    3. Select
      1. 'No third party content'
      2. 'Make available via Voucher only'
  2. Upload your media as per normal.
  3. Create an 'Own' offer for your title:
    1. Search for your series in your media library (if not already open after creating it),
    2. Select 'Add Offer' and choose:
      1. Type = 'Own'
      2. Set the price for all options to $0.00
      3. If you don't want the title to be searchable, you can select 'Hidden Offer'
      4. For help with other fields see 'Controlling Media Offers'
  4. Create a voucher to unlock your title
    1. Browser to Manage > Vouchers
    2. Add a new voucher and fill in all the fields for your voucher:
      1. Voucher Name is an internal reference for why this would be redeemed
      2. Voucher Code can be made up by you, or randomly generated
      3. Voucher Type = 'Organisation Title Giveaway'
      4. Select 'Audio/Video Series'
      5. Search for the title you want to unlock with the voucher
      6. Select the video quality provided to the user when they redeem the voucher
      7. Select 'Own' as the Entitlement Type.
      8. Enter how many times you'd like this title to be unlocked using this code.
      9. Set a Start and End date for the voucher.

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